Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You're On Notice!

Sorry for the dearth of postings, but sometimes actual life gets in the way of blogging. This said, as soon as the move and transition are complete...I'm hoping for mid-August...regular blogging should resume. Hope all is well. Oh...and these things/folks are officially on notice!


spydrz said...

So there's a lot of Chinese Radicals in Cobb?

herodotus said...

spydrz- the chinese language(mandarin) has what are known as 'radicals'...symbols that serve as amplifiers or clarifiers for regular text...that can change the entire meaning of words/phrases. as i am trying to re-acquaint myself with the language, my frustration with these things, i have learned, hasn't subsided with time.

this said, i'm sure that there are, in fact, some chinese linguistic militants running around cobb somewhere.

Micah said...

I take offense at your "On Notice" board. I have never screamed when on Oprah's show.